FaQ's & Policies
The Ins And Outs of How We Do Business
Are estimates free?
Yes, we provide free estimates upon request. You can fill out your information here on the site by clicking Contact or you can call us directly.
How soon must I cancel my appointment?
We kindly ask that you gives us at least a 48 hours notice so we can work around our schedule with the team and other customers.
Do I need to provide any of the cleaning products/materials or equipment?
Most of our customers choose to provide the products because they have the ability to buy what they like. We use our own vacuum and cleaning rags but you're more than welcome to provide yours as well.
Do you wash windows?
Yes, upon request at an additional cost.
Do you wash dishes?
Dishes are not part of our regular cleaning services. It is required that your sink is completely empty upon our arrival. We can discuss additional cost if you want us to take care of it for you.
If I do not cancel my appointment within 48 hours will there be a charge?
We do respect your time and understand some circumstances may occur and you have to cancel your cleaning. We have to protect our business and our time as well as pay our workers. Our cancellation policy is pretty straight forward, we will charge you the full amount of the cleaning service provided in case of a cancellation that's not done 48 hours prior to the date scheduled.
Billing & Pricing
Find The Best Package For Your Budget
Payments Accepted
We accept checks, cash or you can also pay with the Venmo app.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of work must be received 48 hours in advance. If we don't receive a cancellation notice within this time, we will charge you full price of the cleaning we were to provide. You can do so by simply texting us.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Our loyal customers can assure that we can be 100% trusted and our experienced team will not disappoint.